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covariance component model

matlab code for maximum likelihood estimation of the model described in
Y. Karklin and M. S. Lewicki, Emergence of complex cell properties by learning to generalize in natural scenes, Nature, 2008. [link]

coming soon...

variance component model

matlab code for maximum likelihood estimation of the model described in
Y. Karklin and M. S. Lewicki, A hierarchical Bayesian model for learning non-linear statistical regularities in non-stationary natural signals, Neural Computation, 17 (2): 397-423, 2005. [pdf]

download VarianceComponents.m.

(this code implements learning on a synthetic dataset and recovers a set of known components)

rna graph classifier

matlab code for classifying non-coding RNAs based on their secondary structure, as described in
Y. Karklin, R. F. Meraz, S. R. Holbrook. Classification of non-coding RNA using graph representations of secondary structure, Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 10:4-15, 2005. [pdf]

download the main package, supplementary files (some more functions for plotting, doing multi-class classification, other utils; highly undocumented!), and a short FAQ.

the SVM part of the code was adapted from LS-SVMlab, though ultimately SVM training is done with simple matlab matrix division.

in order to duplicate results from the paper, you will also need RNAs from RFAM and folding software from ViennaRNA.


a nascent project to convert matlab figures into flash objects.

for example, you can type in matlab,
>> x = linspace(0,2*pi,50);
>> plot(x,cos(x),'r'); hold on; plot(x,sin(2*x),'b');
>> matlash
and get a flash object to embed in a web page:
download matlash.m.

here's how it works:
  • matlash.m looks at the current figure in matlab and extracts line plot parameters
  • it writes a haXe program
  • haXe compiles to a flash .swf object
  • most functions are not yet implemented. it will work for a basic line plot like the one above, but that's about it
why do this? once more developed, it will let you
  • browse data and graphs interactively (e.g. project different aspects of the data, add interactive data labels)
  • dynamically generate figures
  • plot data online in a clean, vector graphics format
  • present results in a concise, organized way
page last updated nov 28, 2008.